Start Advertising on the BoKnowsWeather App!


As you may have recently seen, or perhaps you have even downloaded it–I have an app! Exciting! It is available on Android and Apple for FREE. This is not a corporately funded app, no major backers or funding–it was all produced by me and the loyal group of developer friends I have to provide my loyal fans with a cool app that works–is simple to use, and intuitive. I think we hit the mark.

I need to offset the fact that costs and available data API options are (suddenly) changing and increasing from AERIS weather, and in fact I found out that they have sold the data aspect of their company, so, being able to provide this app ‘Free of charge’ is at risk. The plan options for Data assets are changing, and along with that comes price hikes. I just found out today that these options are changing. So–now is the time to work on some potentially mutually beneficial solutions!

On that note– I would like to open up space on the Homescreen and subsequent screens to advertisers looking to post an ad for their business on various screens within the app.

If you would like to have your business advertised in front of a couple thousand loyal eyes and a good volume of users, please contact me today: with details of your business. Users are ALL AGES, so the ad content would need to be family friendly. The user base is growing daily!

I look forward to featuring your business on the app! Download it today to have a look!

Your continued support is appreciated! Thanks everyone. In the meantime–keep enjoying the app.

-Meteorologist Bohdan Cole

@BoKnowsWeather on Twitter and Instagram

BoKnowsWeather App

BoKnowsWeather App–Available for iPhone and Android on App Store and Google Play Store