Tag Archive for: hail

First shot at Severe Storms on Sunday

Hey everyone-

I hope you’re enjoying Spring so far. It seems pretty typical for MN to me. Random warm streaks, followed by cool–all of the stuff that often makes us question why we all live here. Don’t worry–we should be thru that soon enough.

The streets have been swept and neighborhood gardens planted–it has to stay warm now, right? :)

The first shot at ‘Marginally’ Severe storms could show up for Southern MN tomorrow (Sunday 4/24). Just enough humidity creeping up along a warm front, and enough dynamics nearby to create some potentially severe storms. Read more

Severe Weather Risk on Sat 8/22


Thanks for checking in.  There’s been a lot of chatter about the Severe Weather Risk for Tomorrow (Saturday 8/22/15), and for good reason–it seems like it could be an active day.  The NAM & GFS seem to have a good handle on it, and soon, some of the short term high-res models will be coming into play. For the sake of highlighting the event, I am taking a look at the NAM below–and giving a brief and to the point overview.  Many other factors come into play, and other models/data etc, but for the sake of simplicity here, I am just showing one. Read more

Update on Severe Weather Expectations Today

SEVERE WEATHER POSSIBLE TODAY!!!  See below for an extended write up!


If you checked in several days back, I had been talking about some severe weather possibilities for this weekend.  Here we are on the day this event is supposed to happen.

Just last evening, the SPC had put out a 10% probability of Tornadoes in IA & E NE, and 5% for Southern MN.  That refers to the odds of tornadoes in the vicinity of any given point based on mileage.  Anyways–that number has since been reduced again today.

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